World Stamp Pictures - German Stamps

World Stamp Pictures - German Stamps - stamp kamerun
World Stamp Pictures - German Stamps
The German Reichspost (Imperial Postal Service) began operation in Kamerun in 1887. In the first years, German stamps were used. In 1897, German stamps overprinted "Kamerun" were used, from 1900 onward stamps issued for Kamerun. In 1912 there were 39 post offices in the colony. The currency was the German Reichsmark (1 Mark = 100 Pfennig).
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World Stamp Pictures - Stamps of Nazi Germany
World Stamps Pictures: German stamp with  Elisabeth Schwarzhaupt images
World Stamp Pictures: German stamp with Elisabeth Schwarzhaupt image
World Stamp Pictures: German Stamps
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World Stamps Pictures - Classic Germany
World Stamp Pictures: German Stamps World War II (WWII) Propaganda Cards and Covers
World Stamp Pictures: German Stamps World War II (WWII) Propaganda Cards and Covers

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